Traditional recruitment is great for organisations who know exactly what they are looking for and have a robust recruitment strategy, but what about those businesses that are not sure, or do not know how to attract the talent they need in a competitive market and once they have how do they retain them.

We saw many challenges in 2019 and early 2020 around recruitment and retention. Some of the challenge’s businesses had were understanding who their next recruit was going to be, how to onboard and retain them.

We worked with several clients to help them explore what the business needed from replacing someone moving on or adding to the business due to growth. One mistake a company can make is digging out the old job description of the person leaving and rushing in to recruit the same. Instead of taking a step back thinking about how the business has evolved since then, what new skills and responsibilities the person has taken on and what is needed for the future of the company. Having a big picture can help recruit the right business to support the direction they are going in.

We took this opportunity to launch Talent for Good. This service not only supports a business in understanding who they need next but also supports them through the recruitment, onboarding and retention of that person with the peace of mind of an extended rebate period that they are in control of.

For more details speak to one of the team.