Ta-dah! Our brand spanking new website is live.

2020 was always going to be a year of change for LHR Recruitment, as we celebrated our 11th birthday we felt the time was right to drive the business forward and adapt to the ever-changing recruitment market.

Well, Coivd-19 wasn’t in my 12-month business plan, as I’m sure it wasn’t in yours! What was though was changing how we work at LHR. In February I went to South Africa to work on the business for a solid 5 days. I’ve been wanting to go on this journey for a number of years, but in all honesty, I was scared! I knew it would transform LHR and how we work, well that’s the whole point of it. I wasn’t ready, I wasn’t sure my clients were ready and more than anything I was scared I would fail! I think we all have that fear in us at some point. So, why did I do it this year, what changed? I did.

I spoke to clients about my plans for the future, I shared my frustrations with our industry, I told them about how I wanted, really wanted to be different and not just say it. There I’d said it out loud, I’d now committed to changing.

Fast forward! I came back from Tau and right in the middle of our plan to launch Talent for Good the pandemic hit. By the beginning of April, we had just wiped off the board all our future perms and all our temps. It was pretty scary! So the question was do I carry on launching a new recruitment packaging or shelve it? I tried to shelve it, it wasn’t the right time. You ever had an itch in business that won’t go away? Well, Talent for Good is my itch. It won’t go away, I feel it in my heart, I talk about it and I “come alive” (Sam, HR Manager). I believe in it.

I wanted to create a consultative service aimed at the SME market, that supported entrepreneurs and business owner-managers to recruit the best people for their company, help onboard them and more importantly, retain them….well, that’s what I do under our “People Retention” sister company. So why not bring it all together and give the client more support and more choice on how long they wish for the rebate period. The best thing about Talent for Good, we have already got international clients who want to use this service.

Next was showcasing our best talent. If you remember we did this by email before, but after reviewing it we decided to put our candidates online, you have access to them instantly and like before can request an up to date CV. Also our candidates can see what we think about them too.

Thirdly we have always worked with % of annual salary fees. Upon reflection, I wanted to give clients the option of seeing our fees before they contacted us. Being transparent is one of our values and always has been.

We want you to treat our consultants as your own internal resource, let them become part of your business for the recruitment campaign.

In a competitive candidate market that we are in right now, we have taken the decision to only work on roles exclusively. We understand that some of our clients have strong relationships with multiple agencies, and this might mean we lose out on working with you. However, we have the client and candidates best interest at heart, and this will prevent both parties being put in a difficult position when more than one agency is representing the candidate with or without their knowledge.

We have also reviewed our payment terms and for those companies who want to recruit on a permanent basis, but may not be in a position to do so because of cash flow or policy then we have a new solution that has already been popular with some of our clients through the current crisis.

You’ll notice other small changes to how we work as we move forward, if you are unsure about them please ask, there will be a reason why we have made the changes and would love to share with you our thoughts behind it.

We are excited about the future of recruitment, and we hope you are too.

Thank you for your continued support, we couldn’t have got through the last 8 months without you.

Here’s the link for my diary https://calendly.com/laura-569/15min to book a 15-minute review and update. If you would like a longer service visit please let me know.

And don’t forget to take a look around www.lh-recruitment.co.uk – and as always your feedback is welcome…