Gone are the days where the consensus was, “you are lucky to have a job with our company”. With the employment rate at 74.6%, today we live in a candidate driven market. So rather than asking the question “why should I hire you?” candidates are now questioning “what can you offer me?”.
How can you retain your top employees?
We have seen a rise in employee engagement among Lancashire businesses and therefore the talent pool is becoming more limited! There are many ways to retain your employees, keeping them motivated and therefore productive but more importantly, invested in your business!
Here are a few top tips to put you ahead of game and retain your staff!
• Offer a competitive benefits package that fits your employees’ needs
• Provide some small perks (a chocolate éclair on a Friday afternoon goes along way)
• Use incentives to help keep workers motivated and feeling rewarded
• Employee development and training opportunities
• Create open communication between employees and management
• Communicate your business’s values and future plans with staff
• Ensure employees know what you expect of them
Employee retention matters! Failing to retain top employees is costly to the bottom line, in addition to organisational issues such as training time and investment, loss of knowledge and recruitment costs.
Retaining your staff starts at the beginning of their career with your business. Their Induction. LH Recruitment offers induction analysis and support to help you make your new employees get the best start! Contact 01254 271024 for more information.