“In order to carry a positive action we must develop a positive vision.”

Are you jumping out of bed at 6.30am with a huge smile on your face eager to get to work? Not many are, its 6.30am and most people are hitting snooze! Fast forward to 9am sitting at your desk, are you feeling positive?

Check out our top tips for Staying Positive at Work

Leave work at work– The world will not end, we promise! It’s important to have time to yourself, your family and your hobbies.

Learn new skills Take charge of your own professional and personal development. On the job education is the best way to build up your skills.

The circle of trust– Are you in the loop? Take responsibility for knowing what is happening at work.

Volunteer yourself– attend an event, take on a new project or specialise in something new to teach others. Instead of waiting to be assigned a project and getting stuck with something you might not like, why not volunteer to take on a project?

Set attainable goals and meet them, you’ll be more inspired to set more.

Make Friends through building relationships and socialising with your colleges. Join a class at the gym together or grab a beer after work. It will make all the difference, we promise!

Check your work station– sitting in an environment that looks nice and makes you feel good will do wonders for your motivation. Cactus plant anyone?

Well Done Me- Reward Yourself, you deserve it! You are great and fabulous and you should be proud of your achievements!

So, think positively about your work. Avoid negative people and gossip. Find colleagues you like and enjoy and spend your time with them. Your choices at work largely define your experience.